If you make a mistake and default on a bill, the record of that mistake can only follow you around for about a decade. Eventually, your good fiscal behavior will earn you a clean record. Unfortunately, criminal records don't work the same way. Make a mistake that...
Month: December 2018
Senate passes criminal justice reform bill born in Texas
Texas leaders have reason to celebrate: Nearly a decade after it began, a proposal that is designed to reduce drug crime and empty prisons of repeat offenders has passed the United States Senate. The bipartisan bill known as the First Step Act is designed to change...
Laboratory testing may help you fight drug charges
Building a strong defense to drug possession charges often requires using legal tools to find weaknesses in the evidence against you. Depending on the circumstances of your arrest, you may have a number of ways to challenge the charges, including questioning the...
Could medical marijuana lead to a drug trafficking charge?
The national attitude toward marijuana has undergone a massive shift in recent years -- but that doesn't mean that people aren't being prosecuted for marijuana crimes. It's important to remember that state laws regarding marijuana possession vary considerably, even in...
Do you want to avoid a drunk driving charge this holiday season?
Let's make this perfectly clear: There is only one way to absolutely avoid a drunk driving charge this holiday season. Don't drink and drive. Half of all adults say that drinking always plays a part in their holiday celebrations -- and 16 percent admit to drinking...