Most people understand that drinking and driving is dangerous, but mistakes can still be made. In the past, you may have had a drink or two too many before getting behind the wheel, and that decision is what led to two previous DWI convictions.
If you’re facing a third DWI today, you should know that this is a significant charge with serious consequences. A third offense:
· Comes with a fine of $10,000
· Is penalized with two to 10 years in prison
· Will result in the loss of your license for up to two years
On top of this, there are additional fines from the state. For a third-offense DWI, the fine is $6,000, and it is assessed when you’re sentenced.
Should you fight a third offense DWI charge?
You should fight any charge you face, because it’s important to protect your rights and liberties. Your license is at risk, as is your freedom. You could go to prison without a strong defense. Even if you are still convicted, your defense may help you reduce the sentence significantly, so you spend less time behind bars.
What happens if there are other complicating factors?
When there are additional factors involved in your case, you could have other penalties to worry about. For example, if you had a child in your vehicle who was under 15 at the time of the traffic stop, then you could be fined an additional $10,000. On top of that, you could face another two years of imprisonment and could lose your license for an additional 180 days. The charge for this is child endangerment.
Similarly, if you are caught with an open container inside your vehicle, you could face penalties. It is a class C misdemeanor to have an open container in your vehicle.
If you’re facing a third-offense DWI and have other complicating factors that are affecting your case, it’s in your best interests not to wait to speak with your attorney. The penalties for DWIs are harsh in Texas, so you should take every step you can to minimize the damage to your reputation and freedoms.